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department: Internist

Internal Medicines

Our Internists are skilled in the management of patients who suffer from highly complex or long-term illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure etc. In addition to providing treatment for a wide variety of diseases, our internists are often play a significant role in teaching and medical research. Our internists provide comprehensive long-term care and are highly skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide spectrum of adult diseases. While trained in the treatment of various illnesses that may affect the blood, heart, liver, kidneys, joints, digestive system and much more –also the are focused on disease prevention and maintaining the overall wellness of patients.

Our Internal Medicine services include the following:
· Preventive Health Care
· Routine Health Exams
· Preoperative Evaluations
· Vaccine Administration
· Sports Medicine
· Travel Medicine Advisory & Immunization
· Chronic diseases
· Diabetes disorders
· High blood pressure and cholesterol
· Treatment and follow-up of senior diseases
· Different kidney issues and diseases
· Rheumatism and autoimmune diseases
· Blood diseases
· Glands disorders
· Infectious diseases
