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department: Dental department


Dental section of four full clinics are equipped with the most modern equipment, tools and lasers.
And it covers all disciplines and staffed by a team of specialists doctors holders of certificates of specialization of Arabian and European universities, and the following section provides therapeutic services.
– Diagnosis
– Cleaning teeth
– Pediatric Dentistry
– Cosmetic dentistry
– The treatment of gum disease
– Whitening teeth
Because the dental clinics of the places that have  many patients visits of all type of people, sterilization unit with specialized processing section contains the latest autoclaves was provided to sterilize instruments using world class standards to ensure best procedure to prevent infection also sealed in plastic sheets sterile and replaced with new sheets after each patient

Dental laboratory was equipped with the latest technologies as dental health worth the effort to secure the best for you and your family services.

Dental Specialist